Blog Archives

- by Julie Fossitt, Marketing Manager, Cultural Services, City of Kingston The Grand Theatre Presents series had its first season in 2008-2009. It coincided with the re-opening of the venue after an extensive restoration of this historic landmark...
In March, eight performing arts shows booked through Ontario Presents' tour coordination program will tour 13 communities in Ontario.  The tours cross many disciplines of the performing arts including contemporary dance, young audience,...
This month more than ten performing artists booked through Ontario Presents' tour block booking program will tour 15 communities in Ontario.  The tours cross many disciplines of the performing arts including contemporary dance, young audience,...
Each year, Ontario Presents members participate in the block booking process to develop the tours that would travel to their communities in Ontario. The tours cross many disciplines of the performing arts including contemporary dance, young audience...
View Photo Album | Complete Feedback Survey   This year, Ontario Contact, Ontario Presents’ annual performing arts conference, had over 250 delegates attending showcases, professional development workshops and conducting business...
Special issue of the latest Hill Strategies’ Arts Research Monitor takes an extended look at data from the 2010 Provincial and Territorial Culture Satellite Account, a landmark dataset regarding the direct economic and employment impacts of culture...
Thanks to all the members who joined us in Brockville for Ontario Presents' 2015 Spring Retreat! Special thanks to Peter Dunn and his team at the Brockville Arts Centre for a wonderfully hosted event. Over thirty members from across...
With the support from the Department of Canadian Heritage, Ontario Presents organized a delegation of five volunteer young-audience presenters from Northern Ontario to attend the Vancouver International Children’s Festival, May 28 – 30, 2015. The...
Large arts venues miss the point as they become more commercial to sustain themselves Peter Dobrin, The Philadelphia Inquirer classical music critic, 5/19/15 Anne Ewers, [the Kimmel Center’s] upbeat leader, recently gave statistics on attendance,...
Left to Right: Stan Passfield, Orillia Concert Assoc; Martina Schroer, Concert Assoc. of Huntsville; Julie Poore, Orillia Concert Assoc.; Ros Batte, Welland/Port Colborne Concert Series; Eitan Cornfield, Port Hope Friends of Music; Scott...
